2 auto stabilization – YSI BODAnalyst User Manual
Page 30

Taking Initial DO Readings
Section 6
YSI Incorporated
BOD Analyst for Windows Software
You do not have to do the final DOs in the same order as you did the initials. If want to do some
other bottle number than the one for which the prompt appears, simply scan that other bottle, and
the program will jump to that bottle in the Batch.
You can use the PC keyboard to enter the bottle numbers on the benchsheet before beginning
initial readings, or use the keyboard to enter the bottle numbers as you work. You may use the
number keys on your PC any time you see the "Enter bot #0**" prompt on the YSI 5000/5100
DO Instrument. Type in a three-digit number and click CONFIRM. The program will accept the
bottle number and go on to reading DO. Remember that one and two digit bottle numbers need
leading zeros. (Enter "007", not "7.")
In fact, you can use the PC keyboard for all YSI 5000/5100 DO Instrument key inputs. The
buttons displayed on the Read YSI form correspond to the keys on the YSI 5000/5100 DO
Occasionally it is necessary to have two or more bottles with the same bottle number. This will
not cause any trouble as long as you can keep them straight. The program will warn you before
accepting a repeated bottle number.
If you really intend to have a duplicate bottle number, then press CONFIRM. If not, press SKIP
and the program will take you back to bottle entry.
Let's suppose that you have set the Technique: field on the YSI Instrument Parameters Form to
manual. When you are reading DO and the reading meets your stabilization criteria (also set on
the YSI Instrument Parameters Form), the program will notify you that the reading is stable as
If a change in the reading is greater than the stability criteria, then the "STBL" display will go
away. With Technique set to manual, the program will store the reading whenever you press
CONFIRM, whether the reading is stable or not. If instead, you set the Technique: field to dual,
the program will wait to store the reading until both the reading is stable and you've pressed
CONFIRM. The order is not important. If the reading is stable before you press CONFIRM,
then you will see the "STBL" display above until you press CONFIRM. If you press CONFIRM
before the reading is stable, then the program will store the reading as soon as it becomes stable.
Effluent 60 f
Another B#551?
Effluent 60 i
7.74 STBL B#551