3 the criteria form – YSI BODAnalyst User Manual

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Customizing Your Program

Section 11

YSI Incorporated

BOD Analyst for Windows Software



The auto-stable routine starts immediately after the bottle number is entered. You can choose
exactly how and when a stable reading will be stored; we refer to this as the auto-stabilization
technique. The fastest way is to store the reading as soon as your stability criteria are met.
Entering the bottle number (by any method) is an implied confirmation that you are ready for the
reading to be stored as soon as it is stable.

You can require that the stability criteria are met and that you have pressed CONFIRM before
storing the reading. The order does not matter. If you press CONFIRM before the criteria are
met, the program will wait and then store the reading as soon as it is stable. If the criteria are met
before you press CONFIRM, then the program will display STBL on the YSI 5000/5100 DO
Instrument and then store the reading when you press CONFIRM.

You can choose to store the reading whenever you press CONFIRM, regardless of the stability
criteria. The program can display STBL on the YSI 5000/5100 DO Instrument display when the
criteria are met if you choose.

All of the settings for the auto-stable feature are on The YSI Instrument Parameters Form. See
the section of the same name for detailed instructions.


BOD testing is complicated due to the number of criteria that tests must meet for acceptance. The
BOD Analyst software checks tests for compliance with these criteria as they are defined in the
Criteria Setup. Default values for criteria are based on values recommended in Standard Methods
for the Examination of Water and Wastewater
, 20


Edition. Values may be edited to meet

requirements of state or other regulating agencies.

Maximum Dilution Blank Oxygen Depletion (mg/l)