YSI BODAnalyst User Manual

Page 13

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Section 2

YSI Incorporated

BOD Analyst for Windows Software


Quality Control: Used in the trending graph function to display Quality Control Limits on the
graph for the sample.


Use the button bar to move to the sample (record) you want to change. Edit the fields as required.
Changes are automatically saved. Keep in mind that editing a Sample name will cause the new
name to appear even on reports of old data. For example, if you edited the Sample, "clarifier,"
and changed its name to "secondary," when you print a report of a Batch that included a BOD of
the "clarifier," the Sample name would be reported as "secondary." So, only edit a Sample name
when the new name is just a different name for the same thing and not an entirely different


When recording BODs by hand, many people develop very brief abbreviations for their samples
to save time and aggravation. With the BOD Analyst software, this is no longer necessary. We
recommend that you try to use Sample names that are as close as possible to normal, everyday
English. For example, in naming an upstream river sample, why say MU, when you could say
Mad R Upstr ?

The Sample name can be up to 15 characters long. The full Sample name will always appear on
the PC and on all reports. However, the YSI 5000/5100 Dissolved Oxygen Instrument's display
is limited to a total of 13 characters for both the dilution and the Sample name. But do not
hesitate to use long names. The program will automatically abbreviate them in an intelligent
fashion. Let's look at a couple of examples.

Suppose that we do BODs for 2 plants, north and south, and that we run CBODs and full BODs
on the effluents from each plant. Let's further suppose that for each of the samples we run a 100
ml dilution (among others, of course). The idea is to name the samples such that when they
appear on the YSI 5000/5100 Dissolved Oxygen Instrument display it is easy to distinguish them.
There are many good ways to do it. Putting an N or an S at the beginning of the names would
group Samples from the same plant together on the alphabetical Sample List. Let's name them as

N C Effluent

N Effluent

S C Effluent

S Effluent

Now let's see how these names would appear on the YSI 5000/5100 Dissolved Oxygen
Instrument display:

NCEffluent 100i
Enter Bot#:0

N Effluent 100i
Enter Bot#:0

SCEffluent 100i
Enter Bot#:0

S Effluent 100i
Enter Bot#:0