Top Flite TOPA0110 User Manual
Page 10

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blend the top surface to the LE (particularly
toward the tip), even with the ribs. Sand the TE,
if required, to blend with the ribs.
A. Whenever possible, pre-join the balsa sheets
to make a “skin” before attaching them to the
B. Many modelers like to sort the wood to put the
best wood with the most even grain structure on
the top of the wing and stab.
C. Make your skin larger than needed to allow for
misalignment. On a large surface like the wing,
3/8" extra is suggested.
D . T o m a k e s k i n s t h e f o l l o w i n g s t e p s a r e
1. True up the edges of the sheets with a
metal straight edge and a sharp knife or a “T-Bar”
sanding block.
2. Test fit the sheets together to make sure
they match well.
3. Glue the sheets together with thin CA over
a flat surface covered with waxed paper. I quickly
wipe the joint with a fresh paper towel to remove
excess glue and make sanding easier. Mark the
poorest surface that you think should be the
inside of the sheet with an “I”.
4. Working on a flat surface, sand the skin
with a large flat sanding block and fresh, sharp
220-grit sandpaper.
5. Trim the perimeter of the sheet to even up
the edges.
16. Make four stab skins from three 1/16" x 3"
x 30" balsa wing sheet pieces. See the sketch for
the proper layout on the wood. Refer to the plans
for the exact shapes and sizes, but remember to
make the skins slightly oversize.
17. Pin the stab structure onto the flat
building surface. Test fit the two skins over the
structure. Make sure the skins meet well at the
center. Adjust them if necessary.
18. Apply an even bead of medium or thick
CA to the top edges of the structure. Place the
skin in its proper position and press it firmly down
until the glue has set. Repeat this step for the
other top skin.
Hint: A small stack of magazines can
be used to hold the sheeting down.
19. Remove the stab from the building board.
Trim off the jig tabs with a sharp knife. Trim and
blend the LE and TE to the ribs as you did before.
Check all glue joints, adding glue as necessary.
20. If you want to modify the stab for the
s c a l e b a l a n c e t a b s o r a d i f f e r e n t h i n g i n g
technique, now is the time to add the appropriate
structure. Refer to the plans for the locations and
sizes of the balance tabs (parts not included).