Lan ip, Lan ipx, Lan ip: -8 lan ipx: -8 – Carrier Access CMG Router User Manual

Page 94

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CMG Router - Release 2.7

Profile Directory:Local Profile

LAN (Local) Profile Setup


IP Address

This is the IP Address of this Adit, used to uniquely identify the device on the internetwork. The
default for this IP Address is

Subnet Mask

A subnet mask determines which bits in the IP address are used to identify the network number.
The default for the Subnet Mask is

Default Router

This is an optional entry depending on your network configuration. Use this field to identify a
router that is physically connected to your LAN. If the Adit receives a packet which contains a
network that is not known, the packet will be sent to the router identified in this field.
If there are other routers and networks behind the Default Router add Static Network IP
information with the Default Router as the Default Gateway.
If you are communicating with different network domains, you will need to enter the IP Address
of your Adit as the default router on each workstation or make sure that the local router will
redirect to the Adit when appropriate, so that they may use the Adit to reach the remote site.


These fields enable the Adit to route IPX to Remote (WAN) networks, even if an IPX server
does not exist on the local LAN. Typically, the Adit will learn its external network number.
However, if the local LAN does not have a server or if the LAN NETWORK UPDATES field
(see above) is set to , and you wish to route IPX to Remote (WAN) networks, the
external network number must be defined using these fields.

If you are not using IPX on your LAN, these fields will not apply. Please note that these
are all hexadecimal entries. For the following see you network administrator for the
appropriate numbers. If the frame type is unsupported leave the field set to 0s.

802.2 Ext. Network

Enter the corresponding IPX external network number.

Ethernet II Ext. Network

Enter the corresponding IPX external network number.


Enter the corresponding IPX external network number.

802.3 Ext. Network

Enter the corresponding IPX external network number.