Carrier Access CMG Router User Manual
Page 282

Glossary - 4
CMG Router - Release 2.7
Generic Routing Encapsulation. GRE simply provides for the
encapsulation of one data packet inside another data packet. This is a
basic operation performed by tunnel servers when tunneling through the
Internet in order to provide a secure VPN.
Each individual short trip that packets make from router to router, as they
are routed to their destination.
A computer that allows users to communicate with other host computers
on a network.
Internet Engineering Task Force. IETF sets the technical standards that
run on the Internet.
Protocol (IP)
Internet Protocol, the method by which most Internet activity takes place.
Members with access to TCP/IP through a SLIP or PPP connection can
connect to many ISP services in this manner. As the name implies, it is a
protocol for network activity. Most current networks support some sort
of TCP or IP directly or indirectly.
IP address
A string of four numbers separated by periods (such as
used to represent a computer on the Internet. The format of the address is
specified by the Internet Protocol in RFC 791. Each of the four number
must be 255 or less; they may be 0.
Internet Packet eXchange. A LAN communications protocol used to
move data between server and/or workstation programs running on
different network nodes.
Local Area
Network (LAN)
A group of computers at a single location (usually an office or home) that
are connected by phone lines, network cables of various configurations
or coaxial cable. Usually controlled and administered by a system or
network administrator.
Local Connection Option. The LCO limits the types of CODECs
proposed by the voice gateways.