Carrier Access CMG Router User Manual

Page 78

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CMG Router - Release 2.7

Profile Directory:Router Card Profile


G.729A Codec


Enables or disables the G.729 codec.

The CMG. G.729A is available only after the software key for this feature has been entered.
- Disables G.729A codec.
- Enables G.729A codec. This is the default, if the feature software key has been entered.

DTMF Notification Edge -

Configures the CMG to notify DTMF digits on the leading or

trailing edge.
- Setting this configuration item to leading edge shall cause the CMG to act on DTMF
digits, for collection or notification purposes, at the time the key is pressed.
- Setting this configuration item to trailing edge shall cause the CMG to act on DTMF
digits at the time the key is released.

Voice Algorithm Settings

- See the following section.

Codec Packing -

Defines bit order of RTP voice. Allowing interop with various VoIP equipment.

- With big endian architecture, the leftmost bytes (lower address) are most significant
- With little endian architecture, the rightmost bytes are most significant.

T38 Fax

Note: For the T.38 Fax to operate the following must be set:

CMG. G.729A feature must be enabled, with a software key

Specified voice channel has Fax configured as T38reserved or T38

G.729A codec is enabled

ECM - Enables/Disables the CMG’s fax T.38 Error Correction Mode capability during fax
negotiation for the entire card. Default is .

LS Redundancy - Configures the number of duplicate packets to transmit for the Low Speed
V.21-based T.30 fax protocol portion of a T.38 fax call for the entire card. Options are ,
<1 packet>, through <8 packets>. Default is .

HS Redundancy - Configures the number of duplicate packets to transmit for the High Speed T.38
fax image data of a fax call for the entire card. Options are , <1 packet>, <2 packets>,
<3 packets>. Default is .