Candle KLVHSKONCT GC32-9172-00 User Manual
Page 446

Candle Products Messages Manual (KLVHS–KONCT)
Multiple predicates required with PDTREL value *AND or *OR.
Explanation: You entered *AND or *OR in the PDTREL field, but did not enter
more than one predicate.
User Response: Enter more predicates or enter *SNGPDT in the PDTREL
Severity: 20
System Programmer Response:No
Predicate relational operator must be *EQ when function is *SIT.
Explanation: You entered something other than *EQ in the relational field
when the predicate is another situation.
User Response: Enter *EQ in the relational operator field or change the PDT
field to something other than *SIT.
Severity: 20
System Programmer Response:No
Predicate compare value must be *TRUE when function is *SIT.
Explanation: You entered something other than *TRUE in the compare value
field when the predicate is another situation.
User Response: Enter *TRUE in the compare value field or change the
predicate function to something other than *SIT.
Severity: 20
System Programmer Response:No
Predicate compare value not valid.
Explanation: Predicate compare value
for attribute
is not valid. Allowed
values range from
User Response: Refer to the appropriate Candle Management Server (CMS)
Reference Manual for compare values.
Severity: 20
System Programmer Response:No
Predicate compare value for attribute &3 not valid.
Explanation: Predicate compare value
for attribute
is not valid; allowed
values are
User Response: Change the predicate compare value to one of the following:
&6 &7
Severity: 20
System Programmer Response:No
Predicate compare value not known or not valid.
Explanation: Compare value
for attribute
not known or not valid.
User Response: Enter a correct value. Refer to the appropriate Candle
Management Server (CMS) Reference Manual for compare values.
Severity: 20
System Programmer Response:No
Predicate attribute &2 not valid.
Explanation: A situation cannot reference itself.