Candle KLVHSKONCT GC32-9172-00 User Manual

Page 214

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Candle Products Messages Manual (KLVHS–KONCT)


The managed cluster does not have at least one full repository Queue

Explanation: You defined a managed cluster, but none of the cluster Queue
Managers associated with the cluster are defined to act as a full repository.
User Response: Ensure that at least one of the cluster Queue Managers is
designated as a full repository for the cluster.


Cluster Queue Manager should have at least one connection to a full

Explanation: This cluster Queue Manager is not a full repository, and it does not
have any defined connections to any full repositories.
User Response: Ensure that this cluster Queue Manager has a predefined
connection to at least one full repository Queue Manager by configuring the
Channels page in the cluster Queue Manager’s settings.


The cluster queue must reside on at least one Queue Manager.

Explanation: You have defined a cluster queue, but you have not inidicated on
which cluster Queue Managers the queue is to reside.
User Response: Use the Cluster Queue Location page in the cluster queue’s
settings to indicate on which cluster Queue Manager the queue is to reside. At
least one cluster Queue Manager must be selected.


The cluster queue definition conflicts with an identically name queue in



Explanation: You have defined at least one other cluster queue in the
configuration that has the same name as this one, and is defined to reside on one
or more of the same Queue Managers. However, there is a conflict in the
definitions of these two cluster queues. For example, the maximum message
length of one cluster queue is 5000, while on the other cluster queue it is defined
as 9,999.
User Response: Examine the definitions of both cluster queues to resolve any


Unable to locate the Queue Manager for this cluster Queue Manager.

Explanation: The Queue Manager that corresponds to this cluster Queue
Manager definition could not be found.
User Response: Collect the CMS log files, and call Candle Customer Support.


The Queue Manager is not at the minimum MQSeries version to support
cluster participation.

Explanation: The Queue Manager that is participating in this managed cluster is
not at the proper MQSeries version to support clustering. For a Queue Manager to
participate in a cluster, MQSeries must be at least at the 5.1 version (for
distributed platforms) or the 2.1 version (for MVS).
User Response: Upgrade the MQSeries software to the proper version.