Candle KLVHSKONCT GC32-9172-00 User Manual
Page 170

Candle Products Messages Manual (KLVHS–KONCT)
Your request failed. MQSeries object name not valid.
Explanation: You attempted to create a new resource with an invalid name.
User Response: Ensure that the name is valid for the type of object. The
character set that can be used for naming all MQSeries objects is as follows:
Uppercase A-Z
Lowercase a-z (however, on systems using EBCDIC Katakana you cannot use
lowercase characters, and there are also restrictions on the use of lowercase
letters for OS/390 console support).
Numerics 0-9
Period (.)
Forward slash (/)
Underscore (_)
Percent sign (%). The percent sign (%) is a special character to RACF®. If you
are using RACF as the external security manager for MQSeries for OS/390,
you should not use % in object names. If you do, these names are not
included in any security checks when RACF generic profiles are used.
Your request failed. MQSeries allocation failed. An attempt to allocate a
conversation to a remote system failed.
Explanation: An attempt by MQSeries to allocate a conversation to a remote
system failed. The error may be due to an invalid entry in the channel definition,
or it may be that the listening program at the remote system is not running.
User Response: Ensure that the channel definition is correct, and start the
listening program if necessary. If the error persists, consult your MQSeries systems
Your request failed. MQSeries remote system not available.
Explanation: An attempt by MQSeries to allocate a conversation to a remote
system was unsuccessful. The error may be transitory, and the allocate may
succeed later. This reason can occur if the listening program at the remote system
is not running.
User Response: Ensure that the listening program is running, and retry the