Candle KLVHSKONCT GC32-9172-00 User Manual
Page 163

Your request failed. MQSeries message too big for queue.
Explanation: The Configuration Agent attempted to put a message to a queue,
but the message is larger than the maximum message length allowed by the
queue. This can be caused by the definition for
SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.QUEUE (for distributed platforms) or
User Response: Increase the maximum message size of the queue.
Your request failed. MQSeries message too big for Queue Manager.
Explanation: The Configuration Agent attempted to put a message to a queue,
but the message is larger than the maximum message length allowed by the
Queue Manager.
User Response: You must manually increase the MAXMSGL property for the
Queue Manager.
Your request failed. An MQOPEN call was issued to create a dynamic
queue, but a queue with the same name as the dynamic queue already
Explanation: The configuration issued an MQOPEN call to create a dynamic
queue, but a queue with the same name as the dynamic queue already exists.
User Response: Restart the Configuration Agent. Collect the agent log files,
and call Candle Customer Support.
Your request failed. The Configuration Agent is not authorized for
MQSeries access.
Explanation: The Configuration Agent is not authorized to perform the
operation attempted. If the ’Client userid is defined at Queue Manager’ property is
set for the Queue Manager, the problem could lie with the MQSeries authorities
associated with the user ID.
User Response: If the ’Client userid is defined at Queue Manager’ property is
set, ensure that the user ID has sufficient authority to perform the action. Also
ensure that the Configuration Agent has the required authority.
Your request failed. MQSeries message data not converted.
Explanation: The configuration made an MQGET call with the
MQGMO_CONVERT option included in the GetMsgOpts parameter, and an error
occurred during conversion of the data in the message.
User Response: Collect the agent log files, and call Candle Customer Support.
Your request failed. MQSeries object already exists.
Explanation: The Configuration Agent made an MQOPEN call create a
dynamic queue, but a queue with the same name as the dynamic queue already
User Response: Restart the Configuration Agent. Collect the agent log files,
and call Candle Customer Support.