Candle KLVHSKONCT GC32-9172-00 User Manual

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Candle Products Messages Manual (KLVHS–KONCT)

Registered trademarks and service marks of Candle Corporation: AF/OPERATOR, AF/REMOTE, Availability Command Center, Candle, Candle
CIRCUIT, Candle Command Center, Candle Direct logo, Candle Electronic Customer Support, Candle logo, Candle Management Server, Candle Management
Workstation, CandleLight, CandleNet, CandleNet Command Center, CandleNet eBusiness Platform, CandleNet Portal, CL/CONFERENCE,
CL/SUPERSESSION, CommandWatch, CT, CT/Data Server, CT/DS, DELTAMON, DEXAN, eBA, eBA*ServiceMonitor, eBA*ServiceNetwork, eBusiness at the
speed of light, eBusiness Assurance, eBusiness Institute, ELX, EPILOG, ESRA, ETEWatch, IntelliWatch, IntelliWatch Pinnacle, MQSecure, MQView,
PQEdit, Response Time Network, Roma, SitePulse, Solutions for Networked Applications, Solutions for Networked Businesses, TMA2000, Transplex, and
Trademarks and service marks of Candle Corporation: AF/Advanced Notification, AF/PERFORMER, Alert Adapter, Alert Adapter Plus, Alert Emitter,
AMS, Amsys, AutoBridge, AUTOMATED FACILITIES, Availability Management Systems, Business Services Composer, Candle Alert, Candle Business Partner
Logo, Candle Command Center/SentinelManager, Candle CommandPro, Candle eDelivery, Candle eSupport, Candle Insight, Candle InterFlow, Candle
Managing what matters most, Candle Service Suite, Candle Technologies, CandleNet, CandleNet 2000, CandleNet Conversion, CandleNet eBP, CandleNet
eBP Access for S.W.I.F.T., CandleNet eBP Administrator, CandleNet eBP Broker Access for Mercator or MQSI, CandleNet eBP Configuration, CandleNet eBP
Connector, CandleNet eBP File Transfer, CandleNet eBP Host Connect, CandleNet eBP Object Access, CandleNet eBP Object Browser, CandleNet eBP Secure
Access, CandleNet eBP Service Directory, CandleNet eBP Universal Connector, CandleNet eBP Workflow Access, CandleNet eBusiness Assurance, CandleNet
eBusiness Exchange, CandleNet eBusiness Platform Administrator, CandleNet eBusiness Platform Connector, CandleNet eBusiness Platform Connectors,
CandleNet eBusiness Platform Powered by Roma Technology, CandleNet eBusiness Platform Service Directory, Candle Vision, CCC, CCP, CCR2, CEBA,
CT/Application Logic Services, CT/DCS, CT/Distributed Computing Services, CT/Engine, CT/Implementation Services, CT/IX, CT/Workbench, CT/Workstation
Server, CT/WS,


!DB/WORKBENCH, Design Network, e2e, eBA*SE, eBAA, eBAAuditor, eBAN, eBANetwork, eBAAPractice, eBP, eBusiness Assurance Network, eBusiness at
the speed of light, eBusiness at the speed of light logo, eBusiness Exchange, eBX, End-to-End, eNotification, ENTERPRISE, Enterprise Candle Command
Center, Enterprise Candle Management Workstation, Enterprise Reporter Plus, ER+, ERPNet, ETEWatch Customizer, HostBridge, InterFlow, Candle InterFlow,
Lava Console, Managing what matters most, MessageMate, Messaging Mastered, Millennium Management Blueprint, MMNA, MQADMIN, MQEdit,
MQEXPERT, MQMON, NBX, NC4, NetGlue, NetGlue Extra, NetMirror, NetScheduler, New Times, New Team, New Readiness, OMA, OMC Gateway, OMC
Status Manager, OMEGACENTER Bridge, OMEGACENTER Gateway, OMEGACENTER Status Manager, OMEGAMON/e, OMEGAMON Management
Center, OSM, PathWAI, PC COMPANION, Performance Pac, Powered by Roma Technology, PowerQ, PQConfiguration, PQScope, Roma Application
Manager, Roma Broker, Roma BSP, Roma Connector, Roma Developer, Roma FS/A, Roma FS/Access, RomaNet, Roma Network, Roma Object Access, Roma
Secure, Roma WF/Access, Roma Workflow Access, RTA, RTN, SentinelManager, Somerset, Somerset Systems, Status Monitor, The Millennium Alliance, The
Millennium Alliance logo, The Millennium Management Network Alliance, Tracer, Unified Directory Services, WayPoint, and ZCopy.
Trademarks and registered trademarks of other companies: AIX, DB2, MQSeries and WebSphere are registered trademarks of International Business
Machines Corporation. Citrix, WinFrame, and ICA are registered trademarks of Citrix Systems, Inc. Multi-Win and MetaFrame are trademarks of Citrix Systems,
Inc. SAP is a registered trademark and R/3 is a trademark of SAP AG. UNIX is a registered trademark in the U.S. and other countries, licensed exclusively
through X/Open Company Ltd. HP-UX is a trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. SunOS is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. All other company and
product names used herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Copyright © February 2004, Candle Corporation, a California corporation. All rights reserved. International rights secured.

Threaded Environment for AS/400, Patent No. 5,504,898; Data Server with Data Probes Employing Predicate Tests in Rule Statements (Event Driven
Sampling), Patent No. 5,615,359; MVS/ESA Message Transport System Using the XCF Coupling Facility, Patent No. 5,754,856; Intelligent Remote Agent for
Computer Performance Monitoring, Patent No. 5,781,703; Data Server with Event Driven Sampling, Patent No. 5,809,238; Threaded Environment for
Computer Systems Without Native Threading Support, Patent No. 5,835,763; Object Procedure Messaging Facility, Patent No. 5,848,234; End-to-End
Response Time Measurement for Computer Programs, Patent No. 5,991,705; Communications on a Network, Patent Pending; Improved Message Queuing
Based Network Computing Architecture, Patent Pending; User Interface for System Management Applications, Patent Pending.

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This documentation contains confidential, proprietary information of Candle Corporation that is licensed for your internal use only. Any unauthorized use,
duplication, or disclosure is unlawful.