Candle KLVHSKONCT GC32-9172-00 User Manual

Page 167

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Your request failed. Unexpected MQSeries error. The call was rejected
because an unexpected error occurred.

Explanation: The request was rejected because an unexpected error occurred
with MQSeries.
User Response: On MVS/ESA, check whether any information has been
displayed on the console. If this error occurs on an MQCONN call, check that the
subsystem named is an active MQ subsystem. In particular, check that it is not a
DB2 subsystem. If the problem cannot be recreated, contact your system


Your request failed. Unknown MQSeries queue name.

Explanation: The queue name is unknown.
User Response: Specify a valid queue name.


Your request failed. Unknown MQSeries transmission queue.

Explanation: On an MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call issued by the Configuration
Agent, a message is to be sent to a remote Queue Manager. The ObjectName or
the ObjectQMgrName in the object descriptor specifies the name of a local
definition of a remote queue (in the latter case).
User Response: Ensure that the definition of the remote queue is correct and
that the XMITQ specifies the name of a valid local transmit queue.


Your request failed. MQSeries transmission queue not local.

Explanation: On an MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call issued by the Configuration
Agent, a message is to be sent to a remote Queue Manager. The ObjectName or
ObjectQMgrName field in the object descriptor specifies the name of a local
definition of a remote queue but one of the following applies to the XmitQName
attribute of the definition:


XmitQName is not blank, but specifies a queue that is not a local queue.


XmitQName is blank, but RemoteQMgrName specifies a queue that is not a
local queue.

User Response: Ensure that the definition of the remote queue is correct and
that the XMITQ specifies the name of a valid local transmit queue.


Your request failed. MQSeries transmission queue has incorrect usage.

Explanation: On an MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call, a message is to be sent to a
remote Queue Manager, but one of the following occurred:


ObjectQMgrName specifies the name of a local queue, but it does not have a
Usage attribute of MQUS_TRANSMISSION. The ObjectName or
ObjectQMgrName field in the object descriptor specifies the name of a local
definition of a remote queue but one of the following applies to the
XmitQName attribute of the definition:


XmitQName is not blank, but specifies a queue that does not have a Usage


XmitQName is blank, but RemoteQMgrName specifies a queue that does not
have a Usage attribute of MQUS_TRANSMISSION.