Candle KLVHSKONCT GC32-9172-00 User Manual
Page 177

Your request failed. MQSeries MQSET failed.
Explanation: MQSeries MQSET call failed.
User Response: Check whether the Queue Manager is active.
Your request failed. MQSeries channel not active.
Explanation: An attempt was made to stop an MQSeries channel, but the
channel was already stopped.
User Response: None.
Your request failed. MQSeries channel terminated by security exit.
Explanation: A channel security exit terminated the MQSeries channel.
User Response: Check that the channel is attempting to connect to the correct
Queue Manager, and if so that the security exit is specified correctly, and is
working correctly, at both ends.
Your request failed. MQSeries cell directory not available.
Explanation: The Scope property of the queue is to be CELL, but no name
service supporting a cell directory has been configured.
User Response: Configure the Queue Manager with a suitable name service.
Your request failed. MQSeries message retry count not valid.
Explanation: The message retry count specified for the channel is not valid.
User Response: Correct the message retry count. The value must be greater
than or equal to zero, and less than or equal to 999,999,999.
Your request failed. MQSeries message retry exit name invalid.
Explanation: The message retry exit name specified for the channel contained
characters that are not allowed for program names on the platform in question.
User Response: Specify a valid name for the receive exit. The format and
maximum length of the name depends on the environment:
On OS/2 Warp, Windows, and Windows NT, it is of the form
, where dllname is specified without the suffix (".DLL).
The maximum length of the string is 128 characters.
On OS/400, it is of the form progname libname, where progname occupies
the first 10 characters, and libname the second 10 characters (both
blank-padded to the right if necessary). The maximum length of the string is
20 characters.
On OS/390, it is a load module name, maximum length 8 characters (128
characters are allowed for exit names for client-connection channels).
Your request failed. MQSeries message retry interval invalid.
Explanation: The message retry interval specified for the channel is not valid.
User Response: Correct the message retry interval. The value must be greater
than or equal to zero, and less than or equal to 999,999,999.