Candle KLVHSKONCT GC32-9172-00 User Manual

Page 166

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Candle Products Messages Manual (KLVHS–KONCT)


Your request failed. No space available for MQSeries queue.

Explanation: The Configuration Agent attempted to put a message to an
MQSeries queue, but there is no space available for the queue on disk or other
storage device.
User Response: Make more disk space available for the queue.


Your request failed. Insufficient MQSeries system resource available.

Explanation: MQSeries has insufficient system resources to complete the
request successfully.
User Response: Run the application when the machine is less heavily loaded.
On OpenVMS, OS/2, OS/400, Tandem NSK, and UNIX systems, consult the
FFST record to obtain more detail about the problem.


Your request failed. MQSeries security error.

Explanation: The Configuration Agent issued an MQCONN, MQOPEN,
MQPUT1, or MQCLOSE call, but it failed because a security error occurred. On
MVS/ESA, the security error was returned by the External Security Manager.
User Response: Note the error from the security manager, and contact your
system programmer or security administrator. On OS/400, the FFST log will
contain the error information.


Your request failed. MQSeries coded character set id invalid.

Explanation: The configuration attempted to get a message from an MQSeries
queue, but the coded character-set identifier from which character data is to be
converted is not valid or not supported.
User Response: Check the character-set identifier that was specified when the
message was put, or that was specified for the SourceCCSID parameter on the
MQXCNVC call. If this is correct, check that it is one for which queue-manager
conversion is supported.


Your request failed. Integer encoding in MQSeries message not

Explanation: On an MQGET call issued by the Configuration Agent, with the
MQGMO_CONVERT option included in the GetMsgOpts parameter, the
Encoding value in the message being retrieved specifies an integer encoding that
is not recognized.
User Response: Check the integer encoding that was specified when the
message was put. If this is correct, check that it is one for which queue-manager
conversion is supported.


Your request failed. Insufficient MQSeries storage available.

Explanation: A call from the Configuration Agent cannot complete because
sufficient storage is not available to the Queue Manager.
User Response: Make more storage available. On MVS/ESA, if no application
problems are found, ask your systems programmer to increase the size of the
region in which the Queue Manager runs.