Candle KLVHSKONCT GC32-9172-00 User Manual
Page 231

Your request failed. Unknown MQSeries object name.
Explanation: The actual object does not exist.
User Response: Specify a valid object name.
Invalid coupling facility structure
Explanation: The coupling facility structure name you entered is invalid.
User Response: Specify a valid coupling structure name. It must begin with an
alphabetic character, followed by alphanumeric characters. The maximum length
is 12 characters.
Principal or group
already exists in the authorization list.
Explanation: You attempted to add a user or group name to the authorization
list that already exists on the list.
User Response: Specify a user or group name that doesn’t already exist on the
You must identify the new entry as a principal or a group.
Explanation: You attempted to add a new entry to the authorization list, but you
didn’t indicate whether the new entry represents a principle or a group.
User Response: Select either ’Principle’ or ’Group’ as the Type for the new
Note: ’Principle’ is only valid if the Queue Manager is running on Windows NT.
The channel is defined with QSGDISP(SHARED), but the transmit queue
is not shared.
Explanation: You defined a sender or server channel with a Queue Sharing
Group Disposition of Shared; however, the transmit queue referenced by the
channel is not a shared queue.
User Response: Either change the definition of the QSGDISP property for the
channel to something other than Shared, or reference a shared transmit queue
within the channel definition.
Index type of Message Token is not value for shared queues.
Explanation: You defined a local queue with an Index type of MSGTOKEN;
however, the Queue Sharing Group Disposition for the queue is Shared. These
properties are mutually exclusive.
User Response: Either specify a different value for the Index type, or change
the QSGDISP of the queue to something other than Shared.
The maximum message length for a shared queue cannot exceed 64,512.
Explanation: You specified a maximum message length greater than 64,512 for
a shared queue.
User Response: Specify a smaller maximum message length.