Candle KLVHSKONCT GC32-9172-00 User Manual

Page 433

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Situation validation failed; cannot use *SNGPDT predicate with *SIT

Explanation: Attempted to create a situation with a single situation predicate. A
*SIT predicate must have a minimum of two predicates.
User Response: Add more predicates using *AND or *OR in the predicate
Severity: 0
System Programmer Response:No


Situation &1 is not a candidate for the Reset option.

Explanation: Situation


is a sample-driven situation and thus cannot be reset.

Severity: 0


Situation &1 ended abnormally.

Explanation: An error was encountered on this situation or possibly on another
situation for which a similar message is being issued. The error required this
situation and the situation in error (if different) to be shut down. Some examples
of the types of errors that can cause this condition follow:


The situation predicate may not have sufficiently narrowed the scope of things
to be examined. This may have resulted in overloading the Candle
Management Server (CMS) with too much data.


The situation may have used *ACGJB or *SEC attributes without having the
necessary SYSVALs set, or without having set up the necessary journals and
journal receivers.


A job or subsystem required to evaluate the situation may have been ended
by an operator.

The above is not an exhaustive list of possible errors.
System Action: If the situation was started explicitly by an operator, then the
situation is shut down. If the situation was running in an AUTOMATED
FACILITIES policy, as a *SIT activity type or an *EVALUATE_SITUATION
activity program, then the activity containing the situation ends with a
*PROBLEM endcode.
User Response: Look for a KO49044 log entry issued at about the same time
as this message. That log entry indicates which CMS job encountered the error.
The job may still be active. Examine the joblog for clues about the ultimate cause
of the error. Correct the situation in error before attempting to restart it.
Severity: 40
System Programmer Response:No


Situation &1 is occurring; &2 events available for status.

Explanation: The event is occurring; the data of 10 events is kept and the
previous events are deleted.
Severity: 0
System Programmer Response:Immediate