Candle KLVHSKONCT GC32-9172-00 User Manual
Page 422

Candle Products Messages Manual (KLVHS–KONCT)
Monitoring for enterprise situation &1 ended.
Explanation: A user or program ended a running situation. All running
situations end when a user issues an END CMS command. AUTOMATED
FACILITIES policies may also end situations.
Severity: 0
System Programmer Response:No
Monitoring for enterprise situation &1 started.
Explanation: A user or program started a previously inactive situation. All
situations defined to autostart do so during a START CMS command.
AUTOMATED FACILITIES policies may also start situations.
Severity: 0
System Programmer Response:No
Operator reply required for Policy &1.
Severity: 0
System Programmer Response:No
Situation &1 reset.
Severity: 0
System Programmer Response:No
Situation definition &1 updated by &2.
Explanation: The situation definition was updated by the user.
Severity: 0
System Programmer Response:No
Situation definition &1 created by &2.
Explanation: The situation definition was created by the user.
Severity: 0
System Programmer Response:No
Situation definition &1 deleted by &2.
Explanation: The situation definition was deleted by the user.
Severity: 0
System Programmer Response:No
Predicate compare value &2 for predicate &3 not valid.
Explanation: Predicate compare value
for predicate
is not valid. It must
be numeric.
User Response: Change the compare value & 2 to a numeric.
Severity: 0
System Programmer Response:No
Name not allowed for message queue library name.
Explanation: Select a message queue in another library.
Severity: 0
System Programmer Response:No