Candle KLVHSKONCT GC32-9172-00 User Manual
Page 424

Candle Products Messages Manual (KLVHS–KONCT)
User Response: Refer to the appropriate Candle Management Server (CMS)
Reference Manual to determine the type of a particular attribute.
Severity: 0
System Programmer Response:No
Situation definition validation did not occur.
Explanation: You attempted to use *AVG with a non-integer attribute.
Severity: 40
System Programmer Response:Immediate
Situation definition &1 displayed.
Severity: 0
System Programmer Response:No
Name &1 cannot contain blanks.
Explanation: The name
contains imbedded blanks. Remove imbedded
blanks from the name.
Severity: 0
System Programmer Response:No
Severity: 0
System Programmer Response:No
AUTOMATED FACILITIES received request to stop.
Severity: 0
System Programmer Response:No
Policy &1 ended.
Explanation: The policy has completed a pass through its activity graph. No
activities are running. Depending on its completion option, the policy then either
deactivates or starts another pass through the activity graph.
Severity: 0
System Programmer Response:No
Policy &1 started.
Explanation: The policy is starting a pass through its activity graph. All activities
having no predecessors are in the running state; all other activities are in the
pre-run state. The pass completes when no activities remain in the running state.
At that time, message KO48009 is issued. The policy may also be deactivated
before it finishes running.
Severity: 0
System Programmer Response:No
Policy &1 activated.
Explanation: The policy has been activated. This may occur for three reasons:
The policy is marked to autostart and STRAF is being processed.
A user issues a start policy command or the equivalent menu option against
this policy.