Candle KLVHSKONCT GC32-9172-00 User Manual
Page 164

Candle Products Messages Manual (KLVHS–KONCT)
Your request failed. MQSeries object damaged.
Explanation: The object accessed by the Configuration Agent is damaged and
cannot be used. For example, this may be because the definition of the object in
main storage is not consistent, or because it differs from the definition of the
object on disk, or because the definition on disk cannot be read.
User Response: It may be necessary to stop and restart the Queue Manager, or
to restore the queue-manager data from back-up storage.
On OS/2, OS/400, Tandem NSK, and UNIX systems, consult the FFST record to
obtain more detail about the problem.
Your request failed. MQSeries object in use.
Explanation: An MQOPEN call was issued by the Configuration Agent, but the
object in question has already been opened by this or another application with
options that conflict with those specified in the Options parameter. This arises if
the request is for shared input, but the object is already open for exclusive input; it
also arises if the request is for exclusive input, but the object is already open for
input (of any sort).
User Response: Restart the Configuration Agent. Collect the agent log files,
and call Candle Customer Support.
Your request failed. MQSeries pageset error.
Explanation: The Configuration Agent encountered an error with the page set
while attempting to access it for a locally defined queue. This could be because
the queue is on a page set that does not exist. A console message is issued that
tells you the number of the page set in error.
User Response: Check that the storage class for the queue maps to a valid
page set using the DISPLAY Q(xx) STGCLASS, DISPLAY STGCLASS(xx), and
DISPLAY USAGE PSID commands. If you are unable to resolve the problem,
notify the system programmer who should:
1. Collect the following diagnostic information:
A description of the actions that led to the error.
A listing of the application program being run at the time of the error.
Details of the page sets defined for use by MQSeries.
2. Attempt to re-create the problem, and take a system dump immediately after
the error occurs.
3. Contact your IBM Support Center.
Your request failed. MQSeries pageset full.
Explanation: On an MQOPEN, MQPUT or MQPUT1 call from the
Configuration Agent, a page set data set was found to be full while attempting to
open or put a message on a locally defined queue.
This reason code occurs only on MVS/ESA.
User Response: Check which queues contain messages and look for any
looping programs that might be unnecessarily filling up queues. Otherwise,
request the system programmer to increase the size of the page set data sets.