FingerTec TCMS V2 User Manual
Page 37

if you want to deduct break time from the total work
time. If you don’t click on the checker, the time will be calculated
in this formula, the last clocking - the first clocking = work time.
For flexi-schedule, it is important for you to specify the time al-
lowed for the employee to take lunch because their schedule is
different from the other regular schedule staff.
Specify the length of dinnertime allowed for a flexi-schedule em-
ployee in this schedule.
if you want to apply the rule it means that the remain-
ing lunch/dinner time will be added into work time. This is to add
the work time for the users who work during their lunch/dinner
to include the time taken for lunch/dinner into the to-
tal working hour. Leaving the uncheck will deduct the break time
from the total working hour. However, you need to specify the
maximum break time that an employee can take for his/her break.
If it exceeds the break time duration, the additional minutes will be
deducted from the total work hours.
to include break time into overtime.
If you click
for this function, when an employee takes a break
i.e. lunch or dinner more than the allowed minutes, the whole
break minutes will be deducted from the total work time. For ex-
ample, if the total work time is 8 hours and an employee takes a
lunch for 1 hr 30minutes, exceeding 30 minutes from the allowed
break time of 1 hour. By doing this, the software will deduct 1 hour
from the total work hour of the staff.
Specify the hour of break time from overtime hour if the overtime
hour exceeded the value specified in this column. If you put 1 hour
and 8 hours, it means that if an employee takes an overtime of
9 hours, the overtime will be deducted by 1 hour of break time.
Therefore, the total overtime is 8 hours.
Specify the hour of break time from flexi hour if the flexi hour ex-
ceeded the value specified in this column. If you put 1 hour and 8
hours, it means that if an employee takes flexi hour of 9 hours, the
total time will be deducted by 1 hour of break time. Therefore, the
total flexi hour is 8 hours.
Specify the hour of break time from flexi hour if the flexi hour ex-
ceeded the value specified in this column. If you put 1 hour and 8
hours, it means that if an employee takes flexi hour of 9 hours, the
total time will be added by 1 hour of break time. Therefore, the
total flexi hour is 10 hours.
Break Rules
Deduct break time from
work time
Lunch time duration
for flexi-lunch range in
Dinner time duration
for flexi-lunch range in
Do you want to Apply
Auto Add Break Time
when include lunch/din-
ner break?
Do you want to include
lunch/dinner time into
working hour?
Do you want to include
lunch/dinner time into
Do you want to exclude
full lunch/dinner if it’s
greater than allowed?
Deduct no. of hours for
break time from overtime
hour … if overtime
exceeded …
Deduct no. of hours for
break time from flexi hour
… if flexi hour exceeded
Add no. of hours into flexi-
work hour…. If flexi-work
hour surpassed…
Break is to determine the rules for break time allowed in the clocking schedule and the
rules will determine the presentation of time in the attendance sheet. Learn about it in
the table below.