FingerTec TCMS V2 User Manual

Page 24

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Tolerance Rules

Deduct the amount of late-in
time from Work Time if em-
ployee come in late more than
__ minutes

Deduct the amount of early time
out from Work Time if employee
goes for lunch early more than
__ minutes

Deduct the amount of late-in
time from Work Time if em-
ployee resumes late more than
__ minutes

Deduct the amount of early
time out from Work Time if em-
ployee leaves early more than
__ minutes


Given you choose 15 mins and the IN time is 9.00 a.m., If an employee
arrives at 9:20 a.m. (exceed tolerance period), the system will deduct
20 mins from his work time. However, if an employee arrives at 9.15
am or earlier, no time will be deducted

Given you choose 15 mins and the BREAK time is 12.30p.m. If an em-
ployee leaves at 12:10 p.m.(exceed tolerance period), the system will
deduct 20 mins from his work time. However, if an employee leaves
at between 12:15 and 12:30, no time will be deducted

Given you choose 15 mins and the RESUME time is 1.30 p.m., If an em-
ployee arrives at 1:50 p.m.(exceed tolerance period), the system will
deduct 20 mins from his work time. However, if an employee arrives
between 1:30 p.m. and 1:44 p.m., no time will be deducted

Given you choose 15 mins and the OUT time is 6:00 p.m., If an em-
ployee leaves at 5:40 p.m. (exceed tolerance period), the system will
deduct 20 mins from his work time. However, if an employee leaves
between 5:45 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., no time will be deducted.

Round Up

Work hour is rounded up to the nearest minute
and is set to 15, hence all minutes will be
rounded up as per below:
1-15 minutes = 15
16-30 minutes = 30
31-45 minutes = 45
46-59 minutes = 1 hour

Round Down

Work hour is rounded down to the nearest
minute and is set to 15, all minutes will be
rounded down as per below:
1-15 minutes = 0
16-30 minutes = 15
31-45 minutes = 30
46-59 minutes = 45


General is to determine whether you want to consider the times that are recorded in OT
and DONE columns to be considered as overtime or as normal working time. Click the ap-
propriate radio button to determine your choice. If you choose as OT, the extra time will
be calculated in the overall time of the staff that is using this clocking schedule.

You can also determine whether an employee needs to press a key button to define his/
her status during clocking. Click Yes if you want to.


Tolerance is to determine the rules of grace period allowed during clocking activities.
Learn about them in the table below:

Specify the rules based on your company’s policy. Leave them blank if it’s not applicable
to your environment.


Rounding is to determine the “rounding of minutes” rules allowed in the clocking sched-
ule and the rules will determine the presentation of time in the attendance sheet. Learn
about it in the table below:

Round the work time to the nearest (minutes)