EVCO EPH4EXP Hardware manual User Manual
Page 56

c-pro 3 | Hardware manual ver. 3.2 | Codice 114CP3E324
page 56 of 116
To modify the real date and time operate as follows:
From step 2, press and release button UP or button DOWN to select the voice Data e ora reale.
Press and release button ENTER.
Press and release button UP or button DOWN to modify the value.
Press and release button ENTER or button RIGHT to confirm the value and modify the following field (press and release
button LEFT or button RIGHT to move among the fields).
Repeat steps 21 and 22.
To copy the parameters from the controller to the programming key EVKEY10 operate as follows:
Make sure the power supply is switched on.
Connect the key to the controller; look at paragraph 8.2.4 “Connection to the controller”.
Gain access to the submenu Parameter Key.
Press and release button UP or button DOWN to select “PAR APP” to copy the application software parameters or “PAR
DRV” to copy the configuration parameters.
Press and release button UP or button DOWN to select “SAVE”.
Press and release button ENTER: the parameters will be copied from the controller to the key (this operation usually takes a
few seconds; if an error had to arise the LED system alarm (look at paragraph 5.2.1 “LEDs at the fron of the device”) will light
up and parameter Key Par (it belongs to the Diagnostic submenu) will assume value Err.
Disconnect the programming key.
To copy the parameters from the programming key EVKEY10 to the controller operate as follows:
Make sure the power supply is switched on.
Connect the key to the controller; look at paragraph 8.2.4 “Connection to the controller”.
Gain access to the submenu Parameter Key.
Press and release button UP or button DOWN to select “RESTOR”.
Press and release button ENTER: the parameters will be copied from the key to the controller (this operation usually takes a
few seconds; if an error had to arise the LED system alarm (look at paragraph 5.2.1 “LEDs at the fron of the device”) will light
up and parameter Key Par (it belongs to the Diagnostic submenu) will assume value Err.
Disconnect the programming key.
The copy of the parameters from the programming key EVKEY10 to the controller is allowed on condition that the
firmware of the controllers coincides.
To quit the procedure operate as follows:
Press and release button ESC over and over again: possible modifications will not be saved.
Switch off the power supply after the modification of the configuration.