ALTANA Auto-Chart User Manual
Page 8

1.4 Organizer File: Definition of Instrument Configuration - wave-scan
编排档案:仪器配置设定 - 桔皮测量
Select the instrument to be used (1), confirm with and open the folder of the required
Instrument (2). The configuration settings are dependend on the selected instrument:
在 (1) 中选择使用的仪器,点击 按钮确定。打开所需仪器的文件夹 (2). 配置设定依据所选的仪
Statistic (3): Select the desired statistical options and check the number of readings (5).
统计 (3): 选择需要的统计操作,在 (5) 处设定测量的次数。
Scales (4): Depending on the instrument type, up to 10 scales can be shown on the instrument
display. The selected scales and the structure spectrum (dullness, Wa - We) together with LW,
SW are saved for each measurement.
标尺 (4): 根据仪器的类型,最多可在仪器显示屏上显示 10 个标尺。选择的标尺和结构谱线(du,Wa
-We) 以及 LW,SW 会保存在每次测量中。
Scan length (6): The measurement length can be varied between 5, 10 and 20 cm.
If long waves (We) are evaluated, it is better to select 20 cm or average 3 x 10 cm.
扫描长度 (6): 测量的长度可以是 5,10 和 20cm. 如果需要评估长波 (We) ,最好选择 20cm 或 3 次
10cm 的平均值.
On (7): Allows to activate / deactivate checkzones, e.g. in case of style variants.
激活 (7): 允许检查区域激活/关闭,例如: 假设多种测量方式.
Advanced Settings (8): Additional options, dependend on the device type, for further details
please refer to the help function or the instruments manual.
高级设置 (8): 依据设备的类型附加的操作,更详细的内容参见功能帮助或设备手册.
Save Organizer file 保存编排档案
After entering all parameters, the Organizer needs to be saved. Choose "Save As" from the File
menu (9), a dialog box will open and offers the name of parameter 1 for saving the file to the hard
所有的参数输入后,必须保存这个编排档案.在文件菜单 (9) 中选择“另存为”,在打开的对话框中建
议使用参数 1 为文件名,将文件保存在硬盘中.