ALTANA Auto-Chart User Manual

Page 16

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Note: The layout of the data in Excel can be changed by using the Pivot function.
注意:数据在 Excel 表格中的摆放能通过枢轴函数更改。

Selection of individual datasets:

Use the button "Filter Result" (6) of the "Open Data" window to display a list of all the records
according to your filter criterions:
使用“打开数据”中的“筛选结果”按钮 (6) ,窗口显示按您筛选条件的全部结果。

Note: If the same object was measured with several instruments, e.g. wave-scan and BYK-mac,
every dataset is listed as a separate record.
注意:如果相同的物体使用不同的仪器测量,如:桔皮仪和 BYK-mac 多角度测色仪,每一个数组

Move the cursor to the left side of the desired row until it changes to a black arrow (1) and click the
left mouse button. Now press the "Show Data" button (5), to transfer the measurement data to
将光标移至表格左侧需要的行上当光标变为黑色箭头 (1) 时点击鼠标左键。点击“显示数据”按钮

(5), 传输数据到 Excel 表。