ALTANA Auto-Chart User Manual

Page 23

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To save the new filter definition use the "Save As" function from the "File" menu (4). It is
recommended to use descriptive names for the filters.
在“文件”菜单 (4) 中使用“另存为”功能保存新建的筛选定义。建议使用描述性文字对过滤器进
After saving close the window (5) and check the time range to be analysed (6). The "End
Date" field shows the actual day by default.
保存后点击按钮 (5) 关闭窗口,检查要分析数据的时间范围 (6). 默认为最近实际工作日的数据。
Press "OK" to start the analysis (7). The data are filtered from the database and the results
appear in the report:
点击“OK”按钮开始分析 (7). 数据将从数据库中筛选出并在报告中显示结果: