ALTANA Auto-Chart User Manual

Page 20

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6. Analyze Data using QC Reports
使用 QC 报告分析数据

The software includes pre-prepared reports for analyzing and documentation of the data in Excel.
Press the button "QC Reports" (1) to find the list of the various Excel workbooks:
软件含有预先设置的报表用于分析和在 Excel 中将数据文件化。点击“QC 报告”按钮 (1) 可以看到
包含多种 Excel 工作簿的列表:

Select the desired report by double click (2) or highlight and press "OK" (3).
需要的报表通过双击 (2) 或高亮指示并点击“OK”按钮 (3) 选择。

Every workbook includes a toolbar which allows to switch between different graphs (4):
每个工作簿包含的工具条 (4) 允许开启不同的图表:

The scales to be displayed can be selected (5) and limits according to your specifications can be
entered for horizontal and vertical checkzones:
标尺能通过按钮 (5) 进行选择,水平和垂直区域的上下限可按照您的需要输入。