ALTANA Auto-Chart User Manual

Page 42

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The workbook includes a special Toolbar with the necessary functions:
First check the Com Port selection under "Configuration" (1). Then start transmission from the
instrument with the "Transfer" button (2).
首先在“设置”(1) 检查串口,然后点击“传输”按钮 (2) 开始传输数据。

A dialog box appears which allows to select the appropriate measurement series. After selection
with double click or "OK", the data are transferred and appear in the spreadsheet.
The "Show/Hide Graphic" button (3) allows to display the Structure Spectrum.
通过“显示/隐藏图表”按钮 (3) 控制结构谱线的显示。

The measurement data in the table are the mean values. The column "n" displays the number of
readings, and "Dist." shows the scanlength. Additional statistical data like minimum, Maximum
and Standard deviation, can be found by scrolling the sheet to the Right side.

For saving of your report use the "Save As" function of Excel under the "File" menu.
The "Delete Memory" function (4) allows you to delete the instrument memory to have it ready for
new measurements. The measurement data can be removed from the sheet with the "Clear
Sheet" button (5).
使用“文件”菜单中的“另存为”功能保存您的 Excel 报告。


功能 (4) 允许用户清空仪器中的内存,用于新的测量。传输到表格汇中的数据可使用“清

除表格”按钮 (5) 将数据清除。