ALTANA Auto-Chart User Manual
Page 22

6.1 Summary by Lines
… compares how the different colors are running at the various booths.
One filter per report needs to be created. The parameters to be selected are the checkzones and
the colors shown on the x-Axis of the graph (8). Up to 4 checkzones can be shown (9). The report
is designed to compare on one page 4 different booths.
… 比较在不同烘箱中烘烤的产品颜色差异有多少.
每个报告需要新建一个筛选条件。选择检查区域和颜色在图 (8) 的 X 轴上显示。最多可显示 4 个检
查区域 (9). 报表预设为 4 个不同的烘箱在一页上显示比较。
Often companies have established specifications by color families and checkzones.
In this example different reports were created for the color families and for each report the three
checkzones Horizontal, Vertical Left and Vertical Right, were selected.
Press the "Run Filters" button from the toolbar to open the filter selection window.
Up to 20 filters can be created for routine reports:
点击工具条上的“运行过滤”按钮,打开过滤选择窗口,一般报告中可最多创建 20 个
To create a new report click on the next free field (1) and press the "Define Filter" button (2). A new
window appears which allows to specify the data to be selected (3):
点击下一个空栏 (1) 创建一个新的报告,点击“定义筛选”按钮 (2). 显示一用于具体指定选择数据
条件的窗口 (3):