ALTANA Auto-Chart User Manual

Page 32

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6.8 BYK-mac link

BYK-mac 多角度测色仪报表
… analyses and documents the color data measured with the BYK-mac. The file can be directly
opened from the Windows Start menu or in the software auto-chart under the function "QC-
… 用于对 BYK-mac 测量的数据分析和文档化。该文件可在 Windows 的开始菜单中直接打开或通过
auto-chart 软件中的“QC-报告”功能打开。
There are two BYK-mac link specific toolbars for e.g. data transfer, selecting data and to switch to
different data analysis graphs:
在 BYK-mac link 软件中有两类特殊的工具条,一类用于数据传输和选择,另一类用于打开不同的分

The data can be transferred from the instruments memory (1) or retrieved from a database (2).
点击内存传输按钮 (1) 将数据传输进表格或点击运行筛选按钮 (2) 将数据库中的数据筛选出。

Transfer from Instrument
Press the button "Memory Transfer" (1) to download the data. The program checks the port con-
nection. After confirming the instrument with "OK", a window will open, listing all measurement
series saved in the device:
点击“内存传输”按钮 (1) 下载数据。程序检查连接端口,仪器连接确认后,将打开设备中有全部

The order of the data sets can be changed by clicking on the header field arrows. Select specific
records or activate "All" for downloading. Start transfer with "OK".
The standard measurement data is transferred to the sheet "Standard Transfer" and all sample
data is transferred to the sheet "Sample Transfer". In order to populate the various color graphs
with the desired measurement data press the "Selection" button (3) of the toolbar.


条中的“选择”按钮 (3) 绘制所选测量数据的各色图表。

This function enables to populate the color graphs for further analysis:

Compare Standard and Samples 标准品和样品比对
Select the appropriate standard (4), then highlight the samples to be compared:
选择适当的标准品 (4)
