ALTANA Auto-Chart User Manual

Page 26

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6.4 xR-Chart: The voice of the process

xR-图表: 生产过程的描述
... records the mean and range values for several checkzones per individual car (1) and auto-
matically calculates the process limits. One filter per report needs to be created. At least two
checkzones need to be selected to calculate a range, usual amount of checkzones are 4 to 10 (2).
... 记录了每台车几个测量区域的中间值和范围 (1) 并且自动计算出生产过程的上下限。每个报告需
要创建一个筛选条件。最少需要选择两个检查区域用于计算范围。通常评估 4 到 10 个测量区域 (2).
Typically the xR-chart checks how critical colors or high runners are performing over time.
Three reports (horizontal, vertical left and right) were defined for the color "Black":
典型的 xR-图表

Finished QC-Report in Excel:
在 Excel 中完成的 QC 报告: