ALTANA Auto-Chart User Manual
Page 17

5.1 Pivot
The measurement data can be shown in various ways. Use the "Open Data" function to select the
desired datasets:
Press the "Pivot" button (1). A window appears which allows to define the criteria to be displayed
in rows and columns:
点击“数据透视”按钮 (1). 显示一个用于定义行和列显示内容的窗口:
Highlight the desired criteria for the columns in the "Criteria" field (2) and press the button (3).
Then select the criteria to be shown in the rows and move it to the "Rows" field (4). In the columns
only one parameter can be selected and in the rows several criteria can be chosen. Additionally,
the sequence of the entries can be defined. Therefore, highlight the required criteria (5) and use
the up and down arrows (6).
栏目中需要规定的区域 (2) ,通过高亮显示。点击 按钮 (3). 之后选择需要规范的列,并将它移
到“列”区域 (4). 在栏目中只能选择一个参数并多个行规范可供选择。此外,定义输入的序列,可
高亮选择 (5) 后使用上下箭头 (6) 更改。
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