ALTANA LCM plus User Manual
Ainstrument description, A1 general, New standard en 1557

BYK-Gardner GmbH
LCM plus
235 017 133 DE 0302
Instrument Description
LCM plus is a universal colorimeter for liquids suitable for manifold industrial applications. It is easy
to handle and has a sturdy design.
But what is really the reason why objective colour measurement of liquids is so important? The
human eye is able to perceive about 100 spectral colours in approximately 100 degrees of
brightness and saturation, which results in about 1 million perceptible shades. Therefore, hues
are difficult to describe by subjective visual comparison.
The specific colour of a product is often regarded as a sign of purity and quality, although that is
not necessarily true. Clients often interpret deviations from the shade of an earlier production as
defective product or supply and reject it preventively. In order to avoid such trouble, objective
colour assessment, a uniform colorimetric system and reliable instrument are required for
production and quality control of transparent coloured liquids.
New Standard EN 1557
EN 1557 (Colorimetric characterization of transparent coloured liquids) now also defines colour
measurement of liquids on the basis of the time-tested colorimetric standards of DIN 5033. The
principle is to measure the X-, Y- and Z-transmissions. The sample is illuminated with a halogen
lamp corresponding to standard illuminant C. On this basis, the LCM plus was developped for
exact and reproducible measurements of transparent yellow-cast liquids.