ALTANA Auto-Chart User Manual
Page 14
After saving you are prompted for deletion of the instrument memory to have it ready for new
measurements. The measurement results now appear on the screen:
Wave-scan 桔皮仪
The left column contains the file structure of all measured individuals. Highlight an object (9) to
display its results in the right window. The upper part shows the header with the identification data
of the selected object (10). The lower part contains the measurement data (11):
左栏内容为所有测量的文件结构。高亮显示的样本 (9) 测量结果显示在屏幕的右侧。上面部分显示
所选样本的表头 (10). 下面部分为该样本的测量数据 (11):
BYK-mac 多角度测色仪
The left column contains the file structure of all individuals including the standard. The standard is
identified by its name (12) and the serial number of the instrument with which it was measured:
左栏内容为包含标准的所有测量的文件结构。标准通过名称区分 (12) ,所有测量都附有测试仪器的
Highlight an object (13) to display its results in the right window. The upper part shows the header
with the identification data of the selected object (14). The lower part contains the measurement
data (15).
To view the spectral data of the standard or checkzone right mouse click on the spectral curve
symbol (16) and activate the function "Profile data to Excel". The sheet "Testresults.xls" will open
showing the spectral data and the spectral curve for all six measurement angles.
高亮显示的样本 (13) 测量结果在右窗显示。上面部分显示所选样本的表头 (14). 下面部分为该样本
的测量数据 (15). 在曲线图标 (16) 双击鼠标右键查看标准板或检查区域的光谱数据,并激活“数据
输出到 Excel”。在"Testresults.xls" 文件中显示光谱数据和六个测量角度下的光谱曲线。