ALTANA Auto-Chart User Manual

Page 25

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6.3 Trend MinMax

This report will give information on the process stability. The average and range by day or week
are charted. The data can be shown for individual colors of a specific month as a daily line trend
(1). In addition, the average of the previous 3 months plus the ranges respectively are shown in a
bar graph (2). Up to 4 zones (e.g. Horizontal, Left, Right, ...) can be shown on one page.
月份的数据可用特定的颜色显示 (1). 此外,报告中还附带通过柱状图分别显示的前三个月平均值

(2). 一页上最多可显示 4 个区域(例如;水平,左侧,右侧)。
In this example one color was selected and one filter for each area was defined. Individual
checkzones or a block (e.g. HORIZONTAL) can be selected:

Note: 3 or 4 Zones can be displayed on one page, an icon for the desired report can be selected
accordingly. This QC report will also graph the entire structure spectrum.
注意:在一页上可显示 3 个或 4 个区域,可用通过选择所需报告的图标显示。这个 QC 报告还可绘

Finished QC-Report in Excel:
在 Excel 中完成的 QC 报告: