Carrier 50HCQ04---12 User Manual

Page 24

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Alarms are provided to indicate a possible problem with

the controller or unit. Alarms can be checked through a

network and/or the local access device. All alarms are

listed in Table 4 with name, object name, action taken by

control, reset method, and possible cause. Some alarms

can occur based on specific configurations.

Safety Chain Alarm

This alarm occurs immediately if the supply-fan internal

overload trips or if an electric-heat limit switch trips. The

Unit Status will be Shutdown and the System Mode will

be Disable. All unit operations stop immediately and will

not restart until the alarm automatically clears. There are

no configurations for this alarm; it is all based on internal

wiring. This alarm will not occur if Fire Shutdown Alarm

is active. Normal operation resumes when the safety

chain circuit is complete.

Fire Shutdown Alarm

This alarm occurs immediately when the smoke detector

senses smoke. The Unit Status will be Shutdown and the

System Mode will be Disable. All unit operations stop

immediately and will not restart until the alarm

automatically clears. If there is not a smoke detector

installed or the smoke detector did not trip, check input

configurations. NOTE: The default function for input 5 is

a normally open Fire Shutdown input.

Supply Fan Failure

This alarm occurs when the indoor fan is being command

on and the fan status switch feedback is showing the fan

off. This will end current operating mode and disable unit

operation. This alarm requires a fan status switch to be

configured on one of the inputs.

Supply Fan in Hand

This alarm occurs when the indoor fan is being

commanded off and the fan status switch feedback is

showing the fan is on. This will prevent any operating

mode and disable unit operation. This alarm requires a

fan status switch to be configured on one of the inputs.

Compressor Safety

This alarm indicates the base unit’s compressor safety

circuit is energized. Cooling, heating, and supply fan

outputs are not interrupted except when the RTU-OPEN is

configured for Heat Pump. Normal operation resumes

when the compressor safety circuit is de-energized. If the

Heat Pump is in the heating mode, it will automatically

replace the compressor stage(s) with the equivalent

number of auxiliary heat stages, as available.
For Heat Pump’s with O/B, when configured for two

stages of aux heat and two compressors, Compressor 1 is

replaced by Aux Heat Stage 1 and Compressor 2 is

replaced by Aux Heat Stage 2. The compressor output

stays on when the safety alarm is present. For cooling, the

alarm indicates the compressors are down.

Space Temp Sensor

This alarm occurs if the space sensor wired to the

RTU-OPEN is disconnected or shorted for more than 10

seconds. When this occurs the Unit Status will be

Shutdown and the System Mode will be Run. Sensor,

sensor connections, wiring, board connection, and

configurations should be checked for faults or errors.

Alarm will reset automatically when cause is fixed.

Supply Air Temp Sensor

This alarm occurs immediately when the supply air

temperature sensor wired to the RTU-OPEN is

disconnected or shorted. When this occurs the Unit Status

will be Shutdown and the System Mode will be Run.

Sensor, sensor connections, wiring, board connection, and

configurations should be checked for faults or errors.

Alarm will reset automatically when cause is fixed.

Outdoor Air Temp Sensor Alarm

This alarm indicates a shorted or open circuit in the OAT

input. Cooling, heating, and supply fan operation

continues. OAT lockouts will not operate while the sensor

is in alarm. Economizer cooling and optimal start

functions are disabled. Normal operation resumes when

the controller detects a valid sensor.

Space Relative Humidity Sensor

This alarm indicates the mA input at the associated

channel falls below 3.5 mA or rises above 21 mA.

Cooling, heating, and supply fan operation continues,

however, the controller’s Humidi-MiZert binary output

is disabled until the fault condition is corrected.

IAQ Sensor

This alarm indicates the mA input at the associated

channel falls below 3.5 mA or rises above 21 mA.

Cooling, heating, and supply fan operation continues.

However, the controller’s IAQ control function is disabled

until the fault condition is corrected.

OAQ Sensor

This alarm indicates the mA input at the associated

channel falls below 3.5 mA or rises above 21 mA.

Cooling, heating, and supply fan operation continues.

However, the controller’s IAQ control function uses

400ppm as the fixed outdoor air CO2 level until the fault

condition is corrected.

Space Temperature

When Occupied, a Low Space Temperature alarm is

generated if the space temperature falls below the lower

limit or a High Space Temperature alarm is generated if

the space temperature rises above the upper limit.

When Unoccupied, an unoccupied low space temperature

alarm is generated when the space temperature falls below

the alarm configuration Unoccupied Low SPT Alarm

Limit or an unoccupied high space temperature alarm is

generated when the space temperature rises above the

alarm configuration Unoccupied High SPT Alarm Limit.

This manual is related to the following products: