Start--up – Carrier 50HCQ04---12 User Manual

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IMPORTANT: Follow the base unit’s start-up sequence
documented in its specific instructions. Use the base
unit’s start-up check list when performing the start-up. At

the end of this manual there is an additional RTU-OPEN
Start-up Sheet to be completed and included with the base
unit check list.
Besides the base unit start-up, there are a few steps to take

to properly start-up the controls. RTU-OPEN’s Service

Test function should be used to assist in the base unit

start-up and also allows verification of output operation.

Controller configuration is also part of start-up. This is

especially important when field accessories have been

added to the unit. The factory pre-configures options

installed at the factory. There may also be additional

installation steps or inspection required during the start-up


Additional Installation/Inspection

Inspect the field installed accessories for proper

installation, making note of which ones do or do not

require configuration changes. Inspect the RTU-OPEN’s

Alarms for initial insight to any potential issues. See

troubleshooting section for alarms.

Inspect the SAT

sensor for relocation as intended during installation.

Inspect special wiring as directed below.

Humidi--MiZert Control Wiring

In units equipped with the optional Humidi-MiZer option

there are 2 pink wires loose in the control box used to

control the dehumidification function of the unit. These

pink wires are meant to be ties to a space humidistat or

thermidistat on an electromechanical unit.


RTU-OPEN equipped units these pink wires must be

connected to J11-7 & 8 to allow the OPEN board to

operate the dehumidification function or the unit.

Disconnect the J11 Phoenix style connector form the

board and use the plug screws to secure the pink wires in

pins 7 and 8, reconnect the plug to the board at J11.

Power Exhaust Relay Power

The relay used by the RTU-OPEN board to control power

exhaust is a dry contact which means it does not have

24vac. This 24vac must be connected to the relay to

allow it operate the power exhaust relay in the PE

accessory. A 24vac source should be provided to the

J11-2 pin on the RTU-OPEN. This can be provided by the

unit’s transformer from various sources. The “R” terminal

on the unit’s low voltage terminal board (LVTB) is a

logical source.

Service Test

The Service Test function can be used to verify proper

operation of compressors, heating stages, indoor fan,

power exhaust fans, economizer, and dehumidification.

Use of Service Test is recommended at initial system start

up and during troubleshooting. See Appendix A for

Service Test Mode table.

Service Test mode has the following changes from normal



Outdoor air temperature limits for cooling circuits,
economizer, and heating are ignored.


Normal compressor time guards and other staging
delays are ignored.


The status of Alarms (except Fire and Safety chain) is
ignored, but all alerts and alarms are still broadcasted
on the network.

Service Test can be turned ON/OFF at the unit display or

from the network. Once turned ON, other entries may be

made with the display or through the network. To turn

Service Test on, change the value of Test Mode to ON, to

turn Service Test off, change the value of Test Mode to

NOTE: Service Test mode is password protected when
accessing from the display. Depending on the unit model,
factory--installed options, and field--installed accessories,
some of the Service Test functions may not apply.

Fan Test

This point allows the board’s fan output to be manually

turned On (Enable) and Off (Disable). Other test points

that require the fan for operation will automatically turn

the fan on and this point will still show “Disable.” Fan

test can operate simultaneously with other Service Test


Compressor 1 and Compressor 2 Test

The compressor test points are used to change output

status for the individual compressors. Compressor starts

are not staggered. The fan and heating service test outputs

are reset to “Disable” for the compressor service tests.

The Indoor fan and outdoor fans are controlled normally

to maintain proper unit operation. All normal cooling

alarms and alerts are functional.

Compressor 1 is always operated with

Compressor 2 due to outdoor fan control on Compressor
1. Always test Compressor 1 first, and leave it on to test
Compressor 2.

Heat 1 and Heat 2 Test

The heat test points are used to change output status for

the individual heat stages, gas or electric. The fans and

cooling service test outputs are reset to “Disable” for the

heat service tests. Indoor and outdoor fans are controlled

normally to maintain proper unit operation. All normal

heating alarms and alerts are functional.

Reversing Valve Test

This test point activates the DO7 relay at J11. These

rooftop units do not use reversing valve control for heat

pumps, therefore this test is not used.

This manual is related to the following products: