O mv, And fif50, Cardioperfect workstation – Welch Allyn CardioPerfect Workstation SpiroPerfect Module - User Manual User Manual

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CardioPerfect Workstation

SpiroPerfect Module

– User Manual

DIR 80012334 Ver. F

92 / 95

FIF50. Forced inspiratory flow (in L/s) at 50% of FIVC.

FIV1. Forced inspiratory volume (in liters) at one second.

FIV1%. FIV1 as % of FIVC.

FIVC. Forced inspiratory vital capacity (in liters). The maximum volume of air that can be
inspired during forced inspiration starting from full expiration.

FIVt. Timed forced inspiratory volume (in liters). Volume of air inhaled in the specified time (t).

flow. The speed at which air is inhaled or exhaled (in L/s).

flow = f(v). See flow/volume.

flow/volume. Same as flow over volume or flow = f(V). A type of data curve available during
FVC testing. The y axis represents flow (L/s); the x axis represents volume (liters).

flow loop. A flow/volume curve that includes inspiratory data (negative values on the y axis).

FRC. Functional residual capacity (in liters). Volume of air remaining in the lungs and airway
at the average end-expiratory level.

FVC. Forced vital capacity. (1) A type of test in which patients inhale fully and exhale
forcefully for as long as they can. The goal: to measure the volume and flow of air. May or
may not include forced inhaling. When forced inhaling is included, it may be done either
before or after exhaling. See flow loop. (2) An important parameter (in liters): the maximum
volume of air that can be delivered during forced expiration starting from full inspiration.

IC. Inspiratory capacity (in liters). The maximum volume of air that can be inhaled after a

— unforced—exhalation. See also tidal breathing.

incentive screen. An animated screen that gives patients

—usually children—a goal to

achieve while exhaling. This screen is listed as a type of “curve” (data display) available
during FVC testing.

IRV. Inspiratory reserve volume (in liters). The maximum volume that can be inspired from the
average end-inspiratory level. See also tidal breathing.

LLN. Lower limits of normal. The lowest expected value for a spirometric parameter. The
method of determining this value varies from norm to norm.

lung age.

A calculated value based on a patient’s demographics and spirometric

performance that gives a relative indication of the health of the subject's lungs. This value is
used primarily to encourage smoking cessation. Lung age is not available for patients
younger than 20 years.

maneuver. See effort.

MV. Minute volume (in liters). The volume of air expired per minute measured over at least
one minute. MV = BF • VT. See also tidal breathing.

norm. A research-based spirometry data set with a specific profile for race, gender, age, and
height. The software compares each patient’s results with data in the primary (selected)
norm, reporting the results as percentages of the predicted (normal) values.

normal. Consistent with norm data.