4 deleting an effort, Deleting an effort, Cardioperfect workstation – Welch Allyn CardioPerfect Workstation SpiroPerfect Module - User Manual User Manual

Page 46: Spiroperfect module – user manual

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CardioPerfect Workstation

SpiroPerfect Module

– User Manual

DIR 80012334 Ver. F

46 / 95

For an FVC effort, instruct the patient to:

1. Breathe in (until the Total Lung Capacity is reached).
2. Blow out forcefully (until the Residual Volume is reached). Allow sufficient time.

For an FVC loop, instruct the patient to:

1. Breathe in (until the Total Lung Capacity is reached).
2. Exhale forcefully (until the Residual Volume is reached)
3. Breathe in forcefully (until the Total Lung Capacity is reached). Allow sufficient time.


1. Start normal breathing (tidal breathing).
2. Breathe out (until the Residual Volume is reached).
3. Breathe in forcefully (until the Residual Volume is reached). Allow sufficient time.
4. Exhale forcefully (until the Total Lung Capacity is reached).

For an SVC effort, instruct the patient to:

1. Start normal breathing (tidal breathing).
2. Breathe in calmly, (until the Total Lung Capacity is reached).
3. Exhale calmly, (until the Residual Volume is reached). Allow sufficient time.
4. If necessary, repeat steps 3 and 4.

Steps 3 & 4 can be reversed, meaning: a maximum expiration followed by a
maximum inspiration.

For an MVV effort, instruct the patient to:
Breathe in and out forcefully at a pace of approximate 30 breaths per minute (2 seconds per
complete breath) for 15 seconds (the program automatically stops gathering data after 15

About Quality Feedback
The spirometer provides effort-quality messages as described in the following sections.

About Effort-Quality Messages
One of the following effort-quality messages appears on the screen after each effort is
completed. These messages indicate whether an effort was acceptable, and if not, what the
patient needs to do differently.

Effort-Quality Message


Don’t hesitate

Back Extrapolated Volume (BEV) is > 150 mL

Blast out faster

PEF time > 120 ms.

Blow out longer, No plateau

FET < 6 seconds (3 pediatrics) and no plateau

Good effort

FET < 6 seconds (3 pediatrics) and has plateau
FET is > 6 seconds (3 seconds pediatrics)


Deleting an Effort

You can easily delete an effort after recording it.

To delete an effort:
Option 1: In the Recording Test window