Welch Allyn CardioPerfect Workstation SpiroPerfect Module - User Manual User Manual
Welch Allyn Equipment
Table of contents
Document Outline
- 1 Introduction
- 2 General information
- 3 Installing the SpiroPerfect Spirometer
- 4 The Spirometer Window
- 5 Customizing the Spirometry Module
- 6 Ambient Settings /Temperature, Humidity and Pressure
- 7 Calibration of Flow Sensor
- 8 Recording Spirometry Tests
- 9 Viewing Spirometry tests
- 10 Interpreting Spirometry Tests
- 11 Printing Spirometry tests
- 12 Predictions
- 12.1 Norm Profiles
- 12.2 Norm-Related Clinical Studies
- 12.3 Norm Extrapolation
- 12.4 Composite Norm Values
- 12.5 Lung Age
- 12.6 Ethnic group correction
- 12.7 Understanding Interpretation Results
- 12.8 Acceptability of an effort
- 12.9 Reproducibility of a test stage
- 12.10 Reversibility (Bronchodilator response)
- 12.11 References
- 13 Maintaining the Spirometer – Welch Allyn
- 14 Troubleshooting
- 15 Specifications
- 16 Statutory and Regulatory Requirements
- 17 Guidance and Manufacturer’s Declarations
- 18 Spiro Perfect VCT-400
- 19 Function keys
- 20 Glossary