Arc Machines 207 User Manual
Page 74

MODEL 207A AND 207A-1
Doc. No. 740044
Rev F
2. Operation (continued)
1. The following functions and features are provided by the Remote Pendant:
1. Sequence Start key
2. Sequence Stop key
3. All Stop key
4. Rotation jog CW key
5. Rotation jog CCW key
6. Weld/Test mode key
7. Manual Purge key
8. Print key
9. 8 character digital status display
10. Weld # key
11. Amps Up key
12. Amps Down key
2. Items 1 to 8 above are duplicates of keys contained on the M-207A panel.
They work exactly the same as the keys on the panel. When the RP is
connected these keys and the identical ones on the M-207A panel are active
at the same times. Pressing either key will perform the function desired.
For further information about the use of these keys see section IV and
section V of this manual.
3. The 8-character digital display is used to indicate to the operator what
particular mode or area of a weld schedule the system is in.
When the M-207A is first turned on the RP display will say NO SEQ. This
indicates to the operator that no weld schedule has been selected. When a
schedule is selected the display will show 001 TEST. This indicates the
weld schedule number selected (001) and the system is in TEST mode. It
could indicate WELD or FLT depending on the system status.
When the weld sequence is started the display will indicate progression
through PREPURGE, UPSLOPE, LVL 01 (etc.), DOWNSLOPE and then