Dell OptiPlex GX1 User Manual

Page 65

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Dell Diagnostics: Dell OptiPlex GX1 Small-Form-Factor System User's Guide

file:///C|/infodev/2013/eDoc/OpGX1/UG/diag.htm[2/21/2013 11:47:14 AM]

NOTE: The following subtests are only applicable for systems with built-in speakers.

The eleven subtests in the Audio Test Group confirm the following functions:

Software Reset Test

Checks for the presence of an active audio controller in your system

Compatibility ID Test

Determines if the correct sound controller is installed in your system

Interrupt Test

Checks to see if the audio controller is generating an interrupt on the IRQ line configured for that

DMA Test

Tests for the presence of a DMA channel on the system chip set, and determines if the DMA
controller and audio controller can exchange signals


Checks the read/write capabilities and status of the audio controller

Initial Reset Status Test

Verifies the reset values of the extended registers on the audio controller

Internal Register Test

Writes test patterns to the internal registers of the audio controller, then reads other registers to
confirm that the patterns are correctly interpreted

Dual Channel Test

Confirms the presence of a second DMA channel on the system chip set and determines if the
DMA controller and audio controller can exchange signals on that second DMA channel

FM Sound Playback Test

Tests whether the system can synthesize sounds and play them through the built-in speakers

Analog Sound Playback Test

Tests whether the system can play sampled sounds through the built-in speakers

Record and Playback Test

Checks the ability of the audio controller to generate a sampled sound from signals received from
the built-in microphone

Why Run an Audio Test?