Dell OptiPlex GX1 User Manual
Page 118

CD-ROM Drives: Dell OptiPlex GX1 Small-Form-Factor System User's Guide
file:///C|/infodev/2013/eDoc/OpGX1/UG/diskette.htm[2/21/2013 11:47:22 AM]
The drive’s interface connector is a card-edge connector or a header connector, as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Drive Interface Connectors
1 Interface cable
2 Colored strip
3 Header connector on drive
NOTICE: When you connect an interface cable, do not reverse the interface cable (do not place the
colored strip away from pin 1 of the connector). Reversing the cable prevents the drive from
operating and could damage the controller, the drive, or both.
When you attach the interface cable to a drive, be sure to match the colored strip on the cable to pin 1 of the
drive’s interface connector. For the location of pin 1 on the drive’s interface connector, see the
documentation that came with the drive.
When you disconnect an interface cable from the system board, be sure to press in on the locking tabs on
the cable connector before you disconnect the cable. When you attach an interface cable to the system
board, be sure that the locking tabs snap into place so that the cable is firmly attached to the connector on
the system board.
Most interface connectors are keyed for correct insertion; that is, a notch or a missing pin on one connector
matches a tab or a filled-in hole on the other connector (see Figure 5). Keyed connectors ensure that the
pin-1 wire in the cable (indicated by the colored strip along one edge of the cable) goes to the pin-1 end of
the connector.
The pin-1 end of a connector on a board or a card is usually indicated by a silk-screened "1" printed directly
on the board or card.