Graphics mode test, Checks – Dell OptiPlex GX1 User Manual

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Diagnostic Video Tests: Dell OptiPlex GX1 Small-Form-Factor System User's Guide

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screen substitutes a different numeral (1 through 7) for the zeros.

Type y if all the rows of numbers on each screen are displayed correctly; otherwise, type n. Figure 7 shows
an example of the first of these screens.

Figure 7. Text Mode Pages Test Screen

Graphics Mode Test

The Graphics Mode Test checks the video subsystem’s ability to present graphics mode data and colors.
This test displays nine different screens, each of which allows you to check some aspect of graphics mode
data and colors. The following subsections describe Graphics Mode Test screens in the order in which they

NOTE: Some of the following tests may not appear if your system does not support the video mode
being tested.

320 x 200 Graphics Mode Screens
640 x 200 Black/White Graphics Mode Screen
640 x 480 Monochrome Graphics Mode Screen
320 x 200 16-Color Graphics Mode Screen
640 x 200 16-Color Graphics Mode Screen
640 x 350 16-Color Graphics Mode Screen
640 x 480 2-Color Graphics Mode Screen
640 x 480 16-Color Graphics Mode Screen
320 x 200 256-Color Graphics Mode Screen
640 x 480 256-Color Graphics Mode Screen
800 x 600 16-Color Graphics Mode Screen
800 x 600 256-Color Graphics Mode Screen
1024 x 768 16-Color Graphics Mode Screen