Using keywords for the b57.dos drivers – Dell Broadcom NetXtreme Family of Adapters User Manual

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NDIS2 Driver Software: Broadcom NetXtreme BCM57XX User Guide

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NODEADDRESS = "001020304050"

Using Keywords for the B57.dos Drivers

The Protocol.ini file contains certain keywords that are used by the B57.dos drivers. These keywords are listed below:

BusNum. Specifies the number of the PCI bus on which the network adapter is located. Requires a decimal number having
a value ranging from 0 to 255.

DevNum. Specifies the device number assigned to the network adapter when it is configured by the PCI BIOS. Requires a
decimal number having a value ranging from 0 to 255.

FuncNum or PortNum. Specifies the PCI function or port number assigned to the network controller. Requires a decimal
number having a value ranging from 0 to 7.

NOTE: These keywords, BusNum, DevNum, and FuncNum (or PortNum), are needed when multiple adapters are

installed in the server and when a specific controller must be loaded in a certain order. These keywords are used concurrently
and are included for manufacturing purposes. Do not use them unless you are familiar with how to configure PCI devices. A
PCI device scan utility is needed to find this information.

LineSpeed. Specifies the speed of the network connection in Mbit/s. Requires the decimal number 10, 100, or 1000.
Technically, a line speed of 1000 Mbit/s cannot be forced and is achievable only through auto-negotiation. For the sake of
simplicity, the driver performs auto-negotiation when the line speed is set to a value of 1000.

Duplex. Specifies the duplex mode of the network adapter. Requires a setting of either Half or Full. When this keyword is
used, the LineSpeed keyword must also be used. If neither keyword is used, the network adapter defaults to auto-
negotiation mode.

NodeAddress. Specifies the network address used by the network adapter. If a multicast address or a broadcast address
is specified, the adapter uses the default MAC address.


DriverName = "B57$"
BusNum = 3
DevNum = 14
PortNum = 2
LineSpeed = 1000
Duplex = Full
NodeAddress = 001020304050

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