Dell Broadcom NetXtreme Family of Adapters User Manual

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Using Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 4: Broadcom NetXtreme BCM57XX User Guide

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Information about Broadcom network adapters may be more comprehensive than information about network adapters made
by others.
Some information may not be available for all Broadcom network adapters.

Viewing Driver Information

Information Tab: Driver Information

Driver Status

The status of the adapter driver.

Loaded. Normal operating mode. The adapter driver has been loaded by the OS and is functioning.
Not Loaded. The driver associated with the adapter has not been loaded by the OS.
Information Not Available. The value is not obtainable from the driver that is associated with the adapter.

Driver Name

The file name of the adapter driver.

Driver Version

The current version of the adapter driver.

Driver Date

The creation date of the adapter driver.

Information Tab: Vital Signs

IP Address