Resident fonts – Dell 3130cn Color Laser Printer User Manual

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If you plan to use many downloadable bitmapped or scalable fonts or if you plan to use many different sizes of scalable

fonts, you may need to purchase additional memory for your printer.

Resident Fonts

Your printer is equipped with resident fonts stored permanently in print memory. Different fonts are available in PCL

5/PCL 6 and PostScript 3. Some of the most popular typefaces, like Courier and TimesNew (PCL 5/PCL 6)/Times New

Roman (PostScript 3), are available for all printer languages.

The following table lists all the fonts resident in your printer. See "

Printing a Font Sample List

" for instructions on how to

print samples of the fonts. You can select the resident fonts from your software program. You can also select the fonts

from the operator panel if you are using PCL 5.

Resident scalable fonts


PostScript 3

CG Times


CG Times It

Albertus Italic

CG Times Bd

Albertus Light

CG Times BdIt

Antique Olive Roman

Univers Md

Antique Olive Italic

Univers MdIt

Antique Olive Bold

Univers Bd

Antique Olive Compact

Univers BdIt

Apple Chancery

Univers MdCd


Univers MdCdIt

Arial Italic

Univers BdCd

Arial Bold

Univers BdCdIt

Arial Bold Italic

ITC Avant Garde Gothic Book


ITC Avant Garde Gothic Book Oblique

AntiqueOlv It

ITC Avant Garde Gothic Demi

AntiqueOlv Bd

ITC AvantGarde Gothic Demi Oblique

Bodoni Roman

CG Omega

Bodoni Italic

CG Omega It

Bodoni Bold

CG Omega Bd

Bodoni Bold Italic

CG Omega BdIt

Bodoni Poster

Bodoni Poster Compressed

Garamond Antiqua ITC Bookman Light

Garamond Krsv

ITC Bookman Light Italic

Garamond Hlb

ITC Bookman Demi

Garamond KrsvHlb ITC Bookman Demi Italic




Courier It

Clarendon Roman

Courier Bd

Clarendon Bold