ADS Environmental Services RainAlert II QR 775008 A2 User Manual
Page 134

digital signal processor board, 2-4
direct connection cable, 4-26
editing the notification device, 5-9
editing the rain device, 5-8
editing the RSSI device, 5-11
editing the notification device, 5-9
external antenna
connecting to monitor, 4-5
specifications, B-1
FCC Compliance, 1-2
interference, 1-3
part 15, 1-3
part 68, 1-2
firmware upgrade, 5-35
logs, 5-38
GPRS, 1-4, 2-6, 4-2
grounding, 4-16
monitor, 6-3
tipping bucket, 6-8
external antenna, 4-2
landline communication, 4-14
mounting lightning protection
module, 4-16
preparing telephone cable, 4-17
running cable between monitor
and service locations, 4-15
wiring lightning protection
module to network interface
box, 4-23
wiring telephone cable to
monitor, 4-19
wiring telephone cable to
lightning protection module,
magnetic whip antenna, 4-4
miniwing or slim antenna, 4-4
monitor, 3-14
connecting to tipping bucket,
mounting on base plate, 3-16
mounting to wall, 3-15
mounting wireless antenna to a
pole or wall, 4-4
SIM card, 4-9
telephone service, 4-14
mounting lightning protection
module, 4-16
preparing telephone cable, 4-17
running cable between monitor
and service locations, 4-15
wiring lightning protection
module to network interface
box, 4-23
wiring telephone cable to
lightning protection module,
wiring telephone cable to
monitor, 4-19
tipping bucket, 3-7
mounting to base plate, 3-8
mounting to sun shield, 3-8
wireless antenna on a roof or other
protected structure, 4-4
wireless communication, 4-2
installing the tipping bucket, 3-7