Pak 200i – Tweco PAK 200i User Manual
Page 76
PAK 200i
Manual 0-5335
Secondary Lead
Plasma (+) Lead
Coolant Return Lead
Coolant (-) Supply Lead
Figure 7-6: Torch Head Removal (PCH-�00)
10. Remove the torch handle and switch from the leads.
11. If the torch switch is defective, remove the switch from the torch handle.
B. Reassembling Torch Switch and Torch Head Assembly
Verify that small rubber duck valve is in torch plasma fitting.
To install the torch switch or Torch Head assembly use the following procedure:
1. Slide the torch handle with torch switch and sheathing over the torch leads.
�. Connect all four leads to connect to the replacement Torch Head assembly.
3. Remove the rigid insulator from the old Torch Head Assembly from between the layers of Estermat paper
and install replacement insulator. Refer to "Figure 7-9: Rigid Insulator Installation" on page 7-10 for location
and orientation of rigid insulator.
Over a period of time there may be a breakdown of the Estermat paper causing the Torch Head to short out if the
rigid insulator is not installed.
4. Secure the rigid insulator in place with electrical tape.
5. Tighten the threaded locking nut with the flat (non-chamfered) edge against the Torch Head, then loosen
the nut slightly by turning it back approximately one-half turn.
6. Install the Torch Head on the handle.
The torch switch connectors are made to fit into the matching connectors.
7. Connect the two torch switch leads.
8. Tape the two control cable connector leads together.
9. Pull the leads sheathing over the connectors and secure with electrical tape to the torch leads.
10. Roll the torch switch sheath back over the handle.
11. Install torch parts in torch.
1�. Align the Torch Control Switch on the handle in the desired position for cutting, position the Torch Head
then tighten the threaded locking nut against the torch handle.
There will be a slight gap between the Torch Head and the lock nut.