Pak 200i – Tweco PAK 200i User Manual
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PAK 200i
Manual 0-5335
c. Dirt on the ends of the fiber or in the receiver/transmitter where the fiber plugs in. Blow out gently with
clean dry air such as is used to clean a camera lens.
d. Excessive electrical interference. While the fiber is immune to EMI it can bother circuits at either end.
Check that all the grounding connections are connected per the manual and are clean and tight. Check
the resistance of the ground rod (with all wires disconnected from it). It may have increased due to dryer
weather conditions. See the instructions in the Plasma Installation manual.
e. Defective receiver/transmitter or other circuits on either CCM or Gas Control main board. Otherwise
replace either (or both) Gas Control main board or CCM.
Transmitter / Receiver Tests. The transmitter/receiver pair on the PCB and the fiber cable looks like this:
Art # 12314
Test the fiber:
Note that the fiber goes from black on one end to blue on the other. Shine a bright light into one end and you
should be able to see light from the other end. This tells you the light is getting through but doesn’t prove it
is strong enough.
The CCM is the communication master. It transmits then expects a reply from the Gas Control Module (GCM).
The GCM does not transmit on its own, only in response to a request from the CCM.
The black end of the fiber cable is inserted into the transmitter which is the gray housing on the PCB. The other
end of the transmitting fiber is blue and goes into the receiver with the black housing.
A few seconds after power is turned on and when the pump has started up the CCM will try to transmit continu-
ously for a while. You can unplug the fiber from the CCM and should see the transmitter red LED on the CCM
PCB blinking. It may stop after a while so recycle power before deciding it isn’t working. If no light, check one
of the other transmitter/receiver pairs. If none of them blink the problem is in the CCM.
If at least one transmitter blinks plug the fiber back into that one then at the Gas Control end of the fiber (un-
plugged) you should see the red light coming out of the blue end.
The Gas Control transmitter does not transmit except in response to a request from the CCM so you will not see
any light from the GCM transmitter with the cable unplugged. However, if you turn the connector 90 deg and
insert the blue end into the receiver (black housing), leaving transmitter open, then the GCM should receive the
requests from the CCM and should blink it’s transmitter (gray housing) in response. If not, problem is likely
on the GCM board assuming it has power.
It is still possible even though you see the red light coming out the GCM end of the fiber that dirt in the transmit-
ter or receiver or on the fiber ends or the fiber is damaged so the light even though visible is not strong enough
for the GCM board. If all else fails replace the fiber cable and both CCM and GCM PCB.
CANBUS off due to excessive errors.
See 501 code for troubleshooting CANBUS faults.
CANBUS Data Error Warning.
This is a warning, does not shut the system down but is an indication that it probably will shut down soon (50�
code). Troubleshooting is same as for 501.
Reserved for future use.
Should not get this but if it happens may be due to EMI. Contact customer service.